J. Clarence Karcher Scholarship
- For students majoring in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Engineering Physics at The University of Oklahoma.
- $1400 per academic year
- The application should be submitted (or postmarked) by March 15.
- www.nhn.ou.edu and select "Student Info".
- Scholarship deadline for 2010 graduates is March 1.
- Scholarship deadline for 2010 graduates is March 1.
Theta Alpha Omega Scholarship
- New scholarship available to high school male seniors who will be first time freshmen attending Southwestern Oklahoma State University in the fall.
- $500 scholarship that will be paid out over two semesters.
- Must complete a 500 word essay on, "The Importance of Charity in Today's Society." Essays need to be typed, 12pt. serif font, and double spaced.
- Deadline: April 1
nextSTEP Magazine
Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship Program
- Recognizing kids 6-18 who have helped make their communities a better place.
- Can be nominated by a parent.
- Volunteer efforts must have occurred in the last year
- Nominations accepted Feb. 1-March 15, 2010
- Visit www.kohlskids.com for official rules and to nominate.
ESA Foundation Scholarships
- 30+ scholarships available to Oklahoma students.
- www.esaintl.com/esaf
- Deadline for applications is Feb. 1
Oklahoma State University Physics Scholarships
- Four year scholarships for students majoring in Physics providing up to $1,500 Annual Stipends
- Deadline for receipt of application materials is March 26, 2010.
NACo- Nationwide Scholarship
- Write a short essay describing why it's important for a public -sector employee to start saving early for retirement.
- Applicants must be a graduating high school senior
- Legal US resident and parent or grandparent must be enrolled in and contributing to the NACo 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
- www.nrsforu.com/scholarship
Shell Minority Scholarship Program and Shell Oil Company Technical Scholarship
- Graduating seniors enrolling n engineering or geosciences at the University of Oklahoma or other specified institution
OEF Engineering Scholarships
- Several $1,000 scholarships available to seniors studying engineering
- Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2010 deadline
- Visit www.ospe.org/scholarships to review minimum qualifications
WEOKIE Foundation Scholarship Essay
- 25 senior scholarship of $1500 each
- Essay must be postmarked or delivered by no later Feb. 26, 2010
- Application
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)
- Cut-off date: April 15
- Try to get information in by end of March; it is important to apply early.
- FAFSA must be filed by March 1
Oklahoma Higher Access Learning Program (OHLAP)
- Funding received is based on tuition costs at selected college.
- Rate sheet will be on-line which will show how amounts are determined.
- If tuition waivers are received through colleges, OHLAP can be applied to room/board.
- Parents/students can subscribe with their email address to receive periodic updates on the program from the OHLAP office: http://lists.onenet.net/mailman/listinfo/OHLAP-news
Burger King Scholars Program
- Cumulative gpa of 2.5 or higher
- Works part-time for a minimum of 10 hours per week or 40 weeks per year
- Actively involved in community service activities
- Demonstrates financial need (1040 form required)
- Plans to enroll in an accredited two/or four-year college, university, or vocational/technical school by Fall of application year.
- Applications are available online Sept. 14, 2009 – Feb. 1, 2010
- More information is available at http://www.haveityourwayfoundation.org/
2010 KFC Colonel's Scholars Program - Awards are up to $20,000 for tuition, fees, textbooks, room and board. To qualify, a student must be:
- Graduating from high school this academic year (between 12/1/09 and 8/31/10)
- Maintaining a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
- Enrolling in a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than 9/30/10)
- Pursuing a bachelor's degree
- A US citizen or permanent resident
- Students complete their application online at www.kfcscholars.org.
- Online application will be available from December 1, 2009 through February 10, 2010.
Best Buy
Youth whose parent(s) is in guards, reserves, or in active duty
- Applications available November 3, 2009.
- Amount: $1,500 Scholarships
- Applications are available online http://www.militaryscholar.org
- Deadline: February 17, 2010
OSSAA/Farmers Insurance Student Athlete Scholarship
- Must have GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Must have scored at least 24 on the ACT or 1090 on the SAT
- Must be a senior student-athlete participating in at least one of the OSSAA sponsored athletic programs in each year of high school career
- See your coach for applications.
- Deadlines: January 8, 2010 - football, volleyball, & fast-pitch softball
March 1, 2010 - wrestling & basketball
April 20, 2010 - baseball, slow-pitch softball, soccer, track and field
Gates Millennium Scholarship - Students are eligible if they:
- Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American
- Are a citizen, national or legal permanent resident of the US
- Have attained a cumulative high school GPA of 3.3 on an unweighted 4.0 scale or have earned a GED
- Will be enrolling for the first time at a US accredited college or university as a full-time, degree-seeking, first-year student in the fall of 2010
- Have demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities
- Meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria
- Have completed and submitted all three required forms (Nominee Personal Information Form, Nominator Form, and Recommender Form) by the deadline
- It is highly recommended that all required forms be submitted electronically. You can complete the online Nomination Forms by clicking the tab “Register or Login” at the top of the page on GMS Website (www.gmsp.org) and completing the appropriate form. You may wish to write out your answers on paper before filing your form online. A paper form is available in the counselor’s office.
- Deadline: January 11, 2010
Ronald Reagan Future Leaders Program
$2,500 – 10,000
The Ronald Reagan Future Leaders Program is open to students who demonstrate leadership on behalf of the cause of freedom, American values and constitutional principles. This program recognizes outstanding young leaders on campus and in the community who are making significant, positive differences to promote American values on their college campus. To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen and be enrolled full-time and in good standing at any accredited, four-year degree-granting institution in the United States or its territories. An essay describing your background, educational and career objectives, leadership and achievements, among other criteria, will be required. Finally, you will be asked to submit at least two letters of recommendation.
To apply: http://www.thephillipsfoundation.org
Following are scholarships for which more information can be found on the websites listed:
Scholarship Search Engines
See Mrs. Munholland for any questions regarding scholarships
Ethnic Minorities